Thursday, April 8, 2010

AEA President Write-In Candidate

Dear Equity Members:

I am asking you to vote for Paige Price for President of Actors Equity Association. Paige has been the Acting President since last Fall when the incumbant President resigned. You will not see her name on the ballot, however, you will find a spot for a write-in candidate...please fill it in with the name of Paige Price.

As a former Officer of the Association, I have had the pleasure of working alongside Paige in her capacity as both Councillor and First Vice President (a position she still holds) for the past ten years. This woman has worked tirelessly on behalf of the membership and has the most admirable ethics. Whether standing in the cold to support our sister unions during the musician and stagehand strikes or serving as a member of the NYC Theatre Subdistrict Council, she has always been an ego-less and selfless leader. From chorus dancer to leading lady and from summer stock to Broadway, Paige has the background to represent all members and is the only candidate with extensive Equity Officer experience. She is the real deal and the position is rightfully hers. She has earned it.

Please take the time to write in her name when you receive your ballot online or in the mail. And please pass this blog onto anyone who is concerned about the future of Actors and Stage Managers. With Paige at the helm, we will have a President that will lead Actors' Equity into the illustrious future it so richly deserves.

In solidarity,

Jean-Paul Richard
Officer Emeritus
Actors' Equity Association